Rabbanit Atira Ote
Rabbanit Atira made aliya from the United States. She holds a BA in Tanach, Hebrew literature, and Jewish art history. She composes original quizzes on the parsha, runs a group of children's tefilla every Shabbat morning, and organizes the weekly youth club at Ohel Nechama. Rabbanit Atira manages dozens of chesed WhatsApp groups and devotes many hours a day to matchmaking. She and her husband released an album of original songs called "Vayhi Or." She has sold many original paintings in Israel and abroad and has translated several volumes of Rabbi Eliezer Melamed's series “Penini Halacha” into English. Her first original book on the weekly Torah portion for families entitled, "Ote Laparasha," is set to be published soon. However, above all, Rabbanit Atira enjoys the privilege of being a wife to her husband and a mother to five wonderful children.
Rabbanit Atira Ote
Chidon Ote (Rabbanit Atira Ote)
A silent group of original trivia on the parsha and chagim created by Rabbanit Atira Ote. The quizzes are usually sent out once a week before Shabbat. The questions are organized according to the alef-bet and they make a great game at the Shabbat table. Join the many families who enjoy the chidonim every week. Soon out in book format!
Rav Yosef Ote, a student of Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein zt”l, studied at the Har Etzion Yeshiva for ten years, received ordination from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel, and currently serves as community rabbi of Kehillat Maalot, Ohel Nechama in Jerusalem. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Humanities and Judaic studies, a master’s degree in Science, Halacha, and Education, and is currently pursuing a doctorate in Medicine and Halacha. He lectures at various educational institutions, teaches Torah to youth and adults throughout the country, and is a member of the Tzohar Rabbinical Organization. Together with his wife, Atira, he founded Emet V’Yatziv, a non-profit organization to promote more Torah and chesed in the Jerusalem community. In the past, among other positions, Rav Ote served as Rav of Noam Banot school in Pisgat Zeev, head of the Young Judaea batei midrash, and a senior Rav in the Sulamot organization. Rav Ote’s book of halachic questions for children called “Pashut La’inyan” is popular among families in Israel and abroad, and his three volume halachic work, “Halacha BaDaka,” based on the four parts of the Shulchan Aruch is due to be out on the shelves soon bezra”H. Rav Ote has a passion for music, and in his few spare moments he can be found on the piano composing. He and his wife Atira have five children, B”H.
Rav Yosef Ote
Rav Yosef Ote

Halacha in a Minute (Rav Yosef Ote)
Every morning, Rav Yosef Ote sends a minute halacha in his silent group “Halacha B’Daka.” The halachot are in Hebrew (easy to understand, succinct, slow, and clear!) and include a quick summary in English. And all in approximately 1.5 minutes. Inspiring, informative, and fun to listen to, on all sorts of topics. The previous halachot can be found in the group description. Enjoy! Soon out in book format!
Torah in a Minute (Rav Yosef Ote)
Every week before Shabbat, Rav Ote sends a short and meaningfull dvar Torah in Hebrew. The idea can be brought to the Shabbat table and then discussed more at length. Join now!